This summer was a busy time in the studio. I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown into October. I spent a lot of time creating prototypes, developing new concepts, and thinking about how best to launch my newest and most exciting project to date, elevated mirrors.

The most exciting development was expanding the portal. The Portal Mirror is an emblematic invitation into the boundless depths of self-exploration and transformation. This mirror is a symbol of perpetual metamorphosis.

The portal was my first symbol. The portal represents the inherent potential within each of us to shape-shift and evolve at any given moment. Every facet of its design underscores the notion that every fleeting second offers an opportunity - to change, to redefine, to choose anew. Its reflective nature serves as a poignant reminder that our best guide and the most revealing compass is often our own reflection.
The first iteration of the design came in the form of colorful sculptural pieces . I then had the idea to make the portal larger and to have a mirrored center, so the viewer could really feel as though they were entering a portal through their reflection.
Adding onto the scale, I added lights to the back. At night, the portal lights up from the back. The portals ability to change as the day changes, stands as a daily testament to the power of choice, of transformation, and of the endless possibilities that lie within.